January 03, 2012

Happy New Year!

It is the beginning of yet another year, and we are so excited for what 2012 has in store for the Theo series. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out daily news on Theo.

December 23, 2011

The Reason for the Season

My wife and I recently started a new family Christmas tradition. This year we put out our nativity set without the Jesus figurine. Then, on Christmas morning, we will add the Jesus figurine together as a family. So it’s been several days that I have walked past our Jesus-less nativity and I am amazed how big a difference this tiny little figurine (or lack thereof) makes to the rest of the scene. You have Joseph whose arms are supposed to be extended in adoration, but instead he looks like a man who can’t find his car in a parking lot. You have the wise men who are supposed to be approaching with reverence but instead they are waiting around and you get the feeling that at any moment one is going to turn to the others and say “Uhhh, where is He?”. The animals, who are supposed to be bowed in humility, instead look like they collapsed out of exhaustion from waiting. Then there is Mary, whose hands are together as she is supposed to be peaceably praising God. But instead she seems to be desperately begging God for the Promised One.

But the wonderful truth, for which we celebrate Christmas, is that Jesus did come. There was a shocking moment in history when “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. It actually happened; the God of the universe chose to be born in a small little town as a small little baby to a teenage girl. Just as that little Jesus figurine gives new meaning to the rest of the scene, so the fact of Jesus’ birth gives new meaning to everything else. Without Jesus there is no Christmas. In the chaos of the season, we must not forget Jesus Christ is the central figure.

December 08, 2011

Theo Presents has partnered with Angel Tree

Whitestone Media has partnered with Angel Tree which is a program of Prison Fellowship. The Angel Tree program is a ministry that reaches out to the children of inmates and their families each Christmas. This is a special program that we are proud to be a part of. For every copy of Theo: God's Love purchased through our Angel Tree and Theo website, Whitestone Media will donate $5 of the proceeds to the Angel Tree program.

CLICK HERE to find out more and to share Theo with a special child.

November 22, 2011

An Anchor for Thanksgiving

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul commands believers to “give thanks in all circumstances”. That is, we are to give thanks during/in the midst of every circumstance; even the tough ones. So how do we do it? How do we remain thankful, even in those tough circumstances? When life’s storms are threatening to capsize me in despair, where is my anchor? I need something solid to hold on to and say, “this is why I am thankful to God; in the midst of my suffering and pain, this still remains true”. Fortunately, Scripture provides just that. Here are some truths that we can hold on to:

  • There is a God
  • He loves us very much
  • He is unchanging
  • He answers prayer
  • Christ died for us
  • We have new life through Him
  • The Holy Spirit intercedes for us

And much much more.

As we approach this Thanksgiving, believers in Christ can be thankful because these truths will never change. They remain true even when our present circumstances are bleak. For this reason, we can sing to God:

“Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name” and even sing:
“Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name”
-Matt Redman

November 08, 2011

My Motivation

My name is Michael Anderson. I am on staff here at Whitestone Media and in September we released the first DVD of our animated series, Theo. We are all very excited about this project and it is a privilege to be working on it. I hope you will allow me to share my motivation as I do my (very small) part on this project.

When I was in second grade I took part in a school wide choir performance. I don’t remember much of the performance but I do remember singing a humorous adaptation of the song “Don’t worry, be happy”. In the version we sang, instead of “don’t worry, be happy”, we sang “don’t worry, get even”. It was meant to be funny and it was, every time we sang that chorus, I could hear laughing from the crowd. I bring this up not to be hard on my teachers. They gave of themselves every day to their students; they lived the exact opposite of the song’s message. But to a seven year old, who lives in a world that preaches self-satisfaction as man’s highest end, these words were dangerous.

We sometimes think of our beliefs as a kind of grocery list. An idea is presented before me, I weigh it independently and either place it on the “believe list” or not. This is overly simplistic because often the beliefs I have, shape the way I see the world and influence the ideas allowed on my “believe list”. Here’s a silly example, imagine Sally never learns that fire is hot. One day she sees Johnny jumping up and down shaking his hand forwards and backwards next to a lit stove. You or I might come to believe that Johnny has burned his hand. While Sally might believe that Johnny is practicing a new dance. Ideas are the lenses by which we see the world.

In my case, the chorus of that song we sang influenced the way I saw the world, contributing to an incorrect view. I bought into the lie that I should “get it while the gettin’s good” If someone wrongs you, get them back, if they owe you, collect, do whatever it takes to take care of numero uno. The more and more I saw the world in this way, the more that attitude was confirmed in me. But here is the big problem, this is utterly at odds with my Lord when He commands me to lay down my life for others. As I am being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, I am having to change my view of the world.

There is a great danger here, but there is also great opportunity. This is what excites me about Theo. Theo touches on biblical concepts like faith, justification, obedience, forgiveness, and much more. These are concepts that I eventually got around to pre-middle school, but how much more beneficial would it have been for me to be exposed to them earlier?

My great hope with Theo is that children would be exposed to the biblical ideas found in our episodes and those ideas would be shaping the way they see the world and their relationship to it. That is, I pray that their view of the world would be more and more conformed to that of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

October 28, 2011

Halloween and the Great Commission

Let me tell you my ideal evening home from work. I get out of my car and walk from my car to my front door, successfully avoiding any eye contact or small talk, until I am through my front door and there I stay, never having to leave my comfort zone or exchange pleasantries, for the rest of the evening. The idea of talking to my neighbors exhausts me, and quite frankly, makes me feel a bit queasy. But here is the problem, when Christ commands me to go out and make disciples, He means my neighbors too. If I want to reach my neighbors with the gospel, I actually have to talk to them.

For this reason, Halloween can be a great opportunity. It is the neighborhood equivalent of speed dating. What better time is there to reach out to my neighbors, then when they are standing just in front of my house as their kids are collecting candy from my wife? I cannot imagine less threatening circumstances from which to strike up a conversation.

There is lots of controversy surrounding Halloween within Christian circles. But what is not controversial is that we are called to be lights to the world. For hermits like me, next Monday night is a good time to start.

October 25, 2011

We are Thankful for Steve Jobs

No one knows what happens to a man’s soul in his last days here on earth. I am reminded of the thief on the cross to whom Christ promised paradise and I believe it is entirely possible that Steve Jobs could have come to a saving faith in his last days. As Steve Jobs’ biography is coming out, we learn more of his religious beliefs and they do not seem to be consistent with the core beliefs of Christianity. However, as a result of the fruits of his labor, God’s Word is able to go out into the world in new and exciting ways. In our case, Apple technology has allowed Theo to share Biblical truths to homes all around the world. For this reason, we are grateful for the work that Steve Jobs accomplished and grateful to a God who uses the labors, of even those who may not be His followers, to further His Kingdom.

September 12, 2011

Theo: God's Love is Available Today!

Today is the day to purchase your very own copy of Theo: God's Love! We are so excited to finally share Theo with everyone. On this DVD you will receive our first three episodes as well as a free bonus episode on the gospel. Plus special features about Theo!

  • Episode 1: Saving Faith
  • Episode 2: Loving Obedience
  • Episode 3: Forgiveness
  • Bonus Episode: Good News
  • Special Features: Animation Basics and A Chat with Mike Joens, the Creator of Theo
You will be able to purchase on our online store starting today!


September 09, 2011

Download the Free THEO App Today!

Have you downloaded our FREE THEO app? Visit the itunes app store and search Theo. Inside our free app you will find games, activity pages, coloring pages, notes on our episodes, and a chance to watch our upcoming episodes. 

September 07, 2011

Theo Teaches Systematic Theology in Cartoon Form

‎"I grew up with Christian cartoons, from Superbook to Hanna-Barbera’s Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible and, as I hit high school Veggie Tales. So when I was asked to review Theo I was very intrigued....." Read the full review: http://www.quadruplez.com/2011/08/theo-teaches-systematic-theology-in-cartoon-form/

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