When we were dating, the first major fight I had with my wife was on Valentines Day. As poor college students, we decided to put a ten dollar cap on presents. However I thought I would show my generous care for her and get her a gift card to her favorite store AND a romantic stuffed animal on top of that. But as is bound to happen to anyone who waits until the day of (ok, the night of), everything was pretty picked over. The only thing that looked potentially romantic was these two hideous, “googly-eyed” monkeys sitting together holding a heart. I thought, “This is perfect! I’ll make a funny romantic joke. I’ll say ‘even if we both looked like this, I would still want to be near you.’ She will absolutely love it!” Ha! I could not be more wrong. Let’s just say, it did not have the desired effect I was hoping for. I was so foolish. As I have come to know my wife, her likes & dislikes, her priorities; the obviousness of my blunder is so apparent. If only I had been handed a manual explaining those things to me; it would have saved me from so many pitfalls. The great news is we have a manual for the most important relationship in our life. It would have been so very tragic, if Jesus Christ had come to the Earth and died for our sins (thereby making a way for relationship with God) but we had no way of knowing about it. Thanks be to God that, in His wisdom and foreknowledge, He inspired men to record those truths that are necessary for that relationship. But the good news does not stop there. Not only does the Creator of the Universe want a relationship with you, but he knows every thing there is to know about you. He knows every need, every desire, every hurt that you have ever had. Who better to care for us than the One Who knows us best and still loves us. At Whitestone Media, we believe the defining relationship in your children’s life is their relationship with their Creator and we believe a healthy, flourishing relationship with Him is the meaning of life. This is why we work on Theo. It is our desire to help equip kids as they start down the path toward an intimate relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless your family this Valentine’s Day!
Michael Anderson